Monday, 14 January 2013

These are the ten books above available now in one spectacular book!  I am so pleased with it, had the full color version in my hands today, couldn't believe how wonderful it looks, this is the more expensive one with, as I say full color title pages, but the black/white version, will be excellent too! Exactly the same size and quality, just no color title pages...

A wonderful book bringing ten of Peter Maddocks adult short stories together in one place!  Available on kindle, kindle for PC, the full color book, and both versions in paperback! Color and black and white!

Freefall to Hell, The Croydon Crocodiles, The Grey Ghost, The Housesitters, Gerhard Greenfingers, The Doorway, The Lakes, The Stalker, The Magician, and Voices...

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Cover for next book out soon, when I am happy with it all, it will be in three different formats, kindle, of course, then in paperback, one with ten full color title pages, the other without!

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

How to Draw Cartoons will be out in a couple of weeks, in Polish, we have English, Spanish and Japonese thus far... so this will be our fourth language!

As soon as the book is in my hands, editing, cutting, trimming and document making will take place and we will publish! Bare with!