Friday, 30 November 2012

In the next couple of days So you want to be a Cartoonist? will be available, in both paperback and on Kindle...

And within a week or so, also in Japanese! Absolutely brilliant! Also available in both formats!  Now Amazon is available in Japan, Peter has the book, so why not!  Lets gets it out there into the world!

As soon as these books are available I will link to them, don't worry!!!

║░║ Also out soon ║░║ Bruce the Bionic Bear, only in paperback at the moment, but soon to be on Kindle!

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Page One ....

Santa’s Pipe Dream
By Peter Maddocks

It was December the twenty fourth, Christmas Eve, in a snow covered cottage in the far north.  It was snowing hard, and although it was only six o'clock in the evening, it was very dark.

Tucked up warm in front of a splendid log fire sat Santa Claus, smoking his favourite pipe, a chubby meerschaum, with a short fat stem and a tobacco stained bowl shaped like a tree trunk.  Every now and then, he would lean forward and pick up a poker to jab at the logs in the fire place, sending sparks flying in every direction.

“You'll set fire to your beard one of these days, if you don't put that poker down.”  Said Mrs. Claus from the direction of the kitchen.  “And do you realise what date it is today?  Isn't it time you started getting yourself ready for your long journey?”

Santa sat back in his chair and took a long puff at his pipe.  “Don't you worry your wise old head, my dear.”  He said blowing clouds of smoke into the air.  “All the toys are bagged up and ready to go.  I'm just enjoying a pipe of tobacco before I go out to feed the reindeer...  By jingle bells!  That cooking of yours smells good!”  Said Santa, wafting the pipe smoke away from his nose.

“I don't know how you can taste my cooking, after puffing at that filthy old pipe!” said Mrs. Claus from the kitchen.  “It can't be doing you any good, breathing down that smelly old smoke into your lungs, you should know better at your age, and you should set a good example to all those children you visit and give it up!”  

Santa's Pipe Dream

is available from December 1st at a special offer price for the whole month of December!  

.77p in the UK and .99c in the US!

The prices might even have come down before this page is finished! 

Monday, 19 November 2012

The Master

First Page: Taken from The Master by s Teresa Patrick  and @ .com

Chapter One
I have lived in this wonderful house since I was twelve years old, it is beautiful, magical, it is full of memories, and now it’s time I told my memories, my secrets, I wish I could tell you exactly where I am, but I can’t give you the address as I am still here you know! I can give you my name, Bernice, or Berni to everyone else except my ma and pa! I was born mid July 1940, a year into WW2 to two very happy parents glad to be together at this awful time, even in London love bloomed as bombs fell!

I must have memories of what happened just before my twelfth birthday, but something so awful happened my mind is blank!  There was the war which had ended in 1945, I was five then, we had seen the sky painted red by the bombs that landed on our beloved city of London.  Papa hadn’t had to enlist, he was needed in his job in London and being forty-two just a year too old when the second call up of older men came, which mama and I were very pleased about!

The awful thing that changed our path of life irrevocably was my mother Ruth; she died, and aged only thirty-two?  She died on October 8th 1952 in the Harrow and Wealdstone railway crash, 112 people died, and more than twice that were injured.  We were living overlooking the line, in a crowded railway cottage we shared with another family, and mother was coming home from working her night shift in the market, she had alighted and was on the platform at 08:19 when the trains collided, three trains, it took several days to find her… papa and I stayed there at the station for two days until they found her…