Saturday, 31 March 2012

Published on Amazon Kindle by Peter Maddocks the Penguin! Great short story about a boy who has problems with his feet, the size!  Its amazing how much we can change about ourselves, without, in fact changing a thing!

Next book coming soon!

Monday, 26 March 2012

The Doorway by Peter Maddocks, and me in part!  Due to a few influential ideas and editing has lead to me helping produce this brilliant book!

Jack Stevens electrical 'brilliance' no pun intended!  leads him where he had no idea it would! A journey both exciting and impossible!

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Out today children's fiction by Peter Maddocks, Gerhard Greenfingers... on Amazon

Good story about a boy who is a bit on the bad side, mixing with the wrong sort of lad, in a gang and in trouble most of the time, but, things come good for him eventually in a most unexpected way!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Next book on the go already for Peter Maddocks, should be on kindle in a week at the most!  Better get working on it now...!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Voices published today on Amazon   By Peter Maddocks.

This book is for over 13yrs really, it has some spooky content that some parents may not think suitable for under this age.  Great book, surprised me during editing at each turn of the page!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Next book in the pipeline! Or at least in the air!  by Peter Maddocks...  Has to be read, edited and published, will try to be quick, we're on a roll here... Will keep you posted, literally! Twitter and fb folks!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

The Pig & Whistle of Downtrotter Farm... Published on March 2nd 2012...

A great read, probably best from 10 years upwards as a guide.  A short story by Peter Maddocks.

Buy now at or any of the amazon sites...

Thursday, 1 March 2012

New book out tomorrow on Kindle, a children's book, from about 10yrs upwards, by Peter Maddocks on Amazon ebooks.